Medical studies at Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz
The medical studies in english at Collegium Medicum i Bydgoszcz is a good alternative for scandinavian students that is interested in a medical education of high quality in an international student environment.
Start of the studies with pre-course and orientation days
The medical study in Bydgoszcz starts with a four weeks pre-course in biology, chemistry and physics in September. This implies that new students will have a valueable possibility for repetition of basic knowledge, adaptation to english as language of study, and an opportunity to get to know your fellow students, the universitety and the city. The pre-course includes also orientation days and soscial activities for new students.
The students at Collegium Medicum organises a buddy-system for alle new students.
Medical studies in Bydgoszcz
Kommande starter
The English-language medical program at Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz is a popular and good alternative for Scandinavian students who want a medical education of high quality in a pleasant, international student environment. Collegium Medicum offers a new, well equipped and centrally located Student House offering students single...
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