Magisterprogram i Textilt Management
Do you want to learn more about different parts of the textile value chain and fashion system, and how it can be managed to achieve sustainable fashion industry? The one-year Master Programme in Textile Management provides you with academic tools to manage fashion and textiles as a multidisciplinary and multifaceted phenomenon. You will gain foundational knowledge in the fashion management and governance of the textile value chain. A special emphasis is on sustainability, which is an important area of research at the Swedish School of Textiles.
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Högskolan i Borås
Högskolan i Borås är en modern, framåtsträvande högskola centralt beläget i Borås. Endast tio minuter från resecentrum, med goda anknytningar till bland annat Göteborg, passar den även utmärkt för dig som vill pendla. På campus finner du moderna lokaler och...