Livsvillkor - arbete - identitet, fortsättningskurs
We explore the intersection of living conditions and identities in relation to contemporary working life and labour markets. A historical perspective is an integrated part of how contemporary labour markets is understood. We also reflect upon the changing political focus, from creating sustainable employment opportunities embedded in a social welfare state to the making of employable citizens in the context of neoliberal workfare regimes. The formation of identities and power relations is explored through a focus on gender, race/ethnicity, social class and intersectionality. Students get the opportunity to elaborate their academic writing as well as participating in an academic debate.
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Linköpings universitet är ett av Sveriges större lärosäten med 27 000 studenter, 4 000 anställda och över 120 utbildningsprogram. Linköpings universitet har utbildning och forskning inom teknik och naturvetenskap, medicin och vård, utbildningsvetenskap, samhälls- och beteendevetenskap och humaniora. Linköpings universitets ambition är...
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