Master Programme in International Administration and Global Governance

Göteborgs universitet
Program (avancerad nivå)
120 hp
Startdatum: Höst 2024 - Göteborg

Master Programme in International Administration and Global Governance

What is IAGG?

The Master's Programme International Administration and Global Governance prepares students for professional and research careers in the field of international affairs.

The programme aims to provide the skills and knowledge needed to formulate, analyze and evaluate policy related to long-term political, economic and social development. Through interdisciplinary coursework, independent research projects and an internship, students gain theoretical insights as well as the practical skills and knowledge to work in organisations involved in international issues. Our program offers an international environment, with IAGG training student from over 60 different countries over the past ten years.

After finishing two years of study the student will have a university degree in - Master of Science with a major in International Administration and Global Governance from the University of Gothenburg.

What do we study?

Throughout the program, students explore the historical development of the international system, critically examining the interrelations among actors on the international arena through various theoretical lenses. Building on this foundation, the program explores specific policy issues in the broad areas of security, and environmental, economic, social and political development.

  • Why do some societal issues make it onto the international policy agenda while other, equally compelling, issues do not?
  • What implications do international trade agreements have for producers, for consumers, and for the environment? And what are the implications if such agreements fail to materialize?
  • How can we understand that the same policy approach in development cooperation may have highly divergent impacts in different national settings?

Analyses of such questions develop the skills and abilities needed to understand and contribute to finding ways forward on the complex challenges facing the world today. 

Various program choices

We offer two double degree options, the first with University of Konstanz (apply on a separate application code at at the latest April 15th). Students accepted spend the first year in Germany and the second year in Gothenburg, and receive a Masters degree from both universities. The other option is with Fudan University in Shanghai, to which students can apply during the first semester. Students who get accepted to Fudan spend the first year in Gothenburg and the second year in China, and receive a Masters degree from both universities. More information


Behörig att antas till programmet är den som har en kandidatexamen (180 hp) eller motsvarande och minst 60 hp i ett eller flera samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen eller motsvarande samt lägst betyget godkänt i engelska B/6 eller motsvarande. Övriga förkunskapskrav finns dokumenterade i respektive kursplan.

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