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Utländsk student plugga i Sverige

21 sep 2016
Hello!    I am a british citizen and I am interested in attending the tandsköterskeprogrammet in Gothenburg. I would like to ask you a few questions. - Do I have to pay fee? Inwhich cade, hos much? - Do I have to attend the programme in Swedish? Would I have to go to SFI to be able to apply? - Do you have a "programme-requirement" for foreign/EU students?   I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!


28 sep 2016
Hi! Sorry for the delayed reply. Get in touch with the programme here, hopefully they can answer your questions: http://www.vgregion.se/sv/folktandvarden/vastragotaland/Jobbutbildning/Tandskoterskeutbildning/ (couldn't find the information in English) Best of luck! Kind regards, Mikaela Blivande Studie-och yrkesvägledare