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Högskola / Universitet

Master of Science in Business

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Master of Science in Business

  • The Master of Science in Business is a two year leadership and business programme. 
  • Students entering this programme will take coursework together with students already enrolled in the integrated 5-year programme in Business (Siviløkonom).
  • During the programme students combine a concentration area or ‘major’ with a sub-specialisation or ‘minor.’ It is possible to replace a minor by choosing free electives from other fields or do an exchange semester.
  • The new major in International Business takes s cross-disciplinary approach to provide in-depth understanding of the international business environment and firm's approaches to doing business cross borders.

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum


  • Klassrum
  • Oslo

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BI Norwegian Business School

BI Norwegian Business School is a private, independent, specialised university institution with a total of six study locations in Norway. Oslo is the main campus with all international programmes - in addition Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, and Drammen. BI Norwegian Business...

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