Public Ecclesiology and International Relations

Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
7.5 hp
Startdatum: Höst 2024 - Södertälje
Sista ansökan: 2024-10-30

Public Ecclesiology and International Relations

Public ecclesiology is a branded field in the Stockholm School of Theology. It combines two disciplines: ecclesiology and public theology. This course studies the church in the international public square, i.e., through its interaction with the international community and civil society. The course focuses on regions where Christianity was persecuted under Communist regimes, or exists as a minority amidst a Muslim majority. Eastern Christianity faces particular challenges and temptations in these regions, where the public square differs from those in the West. This course explores some of these challenges and temptations, including ideologization and the politicization of religion.By the end of the course, the student is expected to be able to: - Identify and assess the main problems and focal points of modern ecclesiology. - Critically discern private and public functions of religion. - Creatively model various roles that the church could play in the public square. - With high degree of independence, evaluate the interactions of the churches with the international community. - Argue for the compatibility of Christianity and democracy.


Godkända kurser för en kandidatexamen i teologi/religionsvetenskap. Dessutom kunskaper i engelska motsvarande kraven för grundläggande behörighet, eller behöver genomgå ett internationellt godkänt kunskapstest, till exempel TOEFL IELTS eller motsvarande.

Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm

Välkommen till Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm! Vid EHS bedrivs utbildning i mänskliga rättigheter och religionsvetenskap/teologi. EHS blev pionjär genom att 1997 vara den första högskolan i landet att erbjuda ett tvärvetenskapligt utbildningsprogram i mänskliga rättigheter. Högskolan har kandidat- magister- och masterexamen...

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