Politiskt våld
This course is an overview of manifestations of political violence originating from modern states as well as non-state actors. The first part of the course will focus on state violence in the form of war-making against other states, mass violence against individuals such as genocide and ethnic cleansing, as well as structural violence toward particular groups within a state including race and gender-based violence conducted, sponsored, or enabled by the state. The second part of the course will focus on political violence perpetrated by non-state actors in civil wars, mass protests, rebellions, or in the form of terrorism. In the third part of the course, we will turn to the social psychology of political violence: how regular individuals become perpetrators of political violence in different contexts.The course is given in English.
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Högskolan Väst
Högskolan Väst i Trollhättan är en modern högskola som erbjuder arbetslivsnära utbildningar i en attraktiv och modern studiemiljö. Hos oss står studenten och lärandet i centrum. Arbetsintegrerat lärande som synsätt och metod präglar verksamheten och är högskolans profil. Trollhättan är...