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Asienstudier: Det globala Kina

7.5 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
7.5 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Asienstudier: Det globala Kina

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Chinese globalisation from a variety of perspectives.

The course delves into the uneven and diverse nature of Chinas global push, examining a range of topics, such as labour regimes, environmental issues, logistics/supply chains, digital globalisation, informal/illicit industries, foreign policy, and human rights. Various active actors beyond the state and the Communist Party are also analysed, including state and private businesses, civil society and the media, as well as various individuals in the diaspora. Chinese processes of globalisation are analysed in historical context and with regard to contemporary significance. Emphasis is placed on understanding the ways in which Chinese globalisation is both rooted in Chinese domestic processes and localised in host country contexts. At the same time, the course zooms in on how Chinese domestic developments are subject to shifting patterns of globalisation.


Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Distans
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Grundläggande behörighet samt tidigare högskolestudier om minst 30.0 högskolepoäng. Muntlig och skriftlig språkfärdighet i engelska motsvarande engelska 6 från svenskt gymnasium är ett krav. Ekvivalering genomförs i enlighet med nationella riktlinjer. Generellt undantag för krav på kunskap i svenska medges.
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