Att gräva djupt: Bibeln och arkeologin

Lunds universitet
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
7.5 hp
Startdatum: Höst 2024 - Lund

Att gräva djupt: Bibeln och arkeologin

What happens when the Bible meets archaeology, that is, when the narratives in the biblical texts are studied through the lens of archaeology? This course is an introduction to biblical archaeology, the archaeology of the Southern Levant between the second millennium BCE and first century CE, and its relationship to biblical texts.

Through an overview of the historical and cultural contexts in which the biblical narratives were written, the course will critically examine a selection of debated narratives, described in various literary sources, and how they relate to archaeological finds and material remains. Throughout the course you will examine the importance of biblical archeology for biblical interpretations, for our understanding of the history of ancient Israel, and for how the field impacts politics and religion today.


Minst 90 hp inom humaniora, samhällsvetenskap eller juridik eller motsvarande kunskaper.

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