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Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)

Central and Eastern European Studies: Understanding Belarus and Ukraine

15 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2025 se detaljer
Sista ansökan
Sista ansökan: 2025-01-15
15 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2025 se detaljer
Sista ansökan
Sista ansökan: 2025-01-15

Central and Eastern European Studies: Understanding Belarus and Ukraine

Ukraine and Belarus have experienced tremendous political changes over the past decade. And events are still unfolding. This course will help you get a better understanding of the social and political forces that is driving this change and the historical context they develop within.

The course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between the West and the East, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It also relates Belarus andUkraine to transnational challenges and themes such as migration, authoritarianism,and memory politics.

Furthermore, the course deals with specific social and political themes characterising contemporary Belarus and Ukraine. One the one hand, it focuses on socio-cultural processes and phenomena such as nation-building, the development of civil society, social stratification and inequality, and the issue of minorities. On the other hand, it inquires into political developments in Belarus and Ukraine such as the politics of security, protests and revolutions.


Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2025

  • Distans
  • Distans
  • Sista ansökan: 2025-01-15


För tillträde till kursen krävs minst 90 högskolepoäng i kurser inom humaniora eller samhällsvetenskap.
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