Hälsosystem i ett globalt perspektiv: metoder och tillämpningar

Lunds universitet
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
7.5 hp
Startdatum: Höst 2024 - Distans

Hälsosystem i ett globalt perspektiv: metoder och tillämpningar

Do you want to improve your proficiency in understanding and analyzing health systems? In this elective, advanced level course students will develop their skills and abilities to conduct policy relevant analyses of complex health systems across different countries and contexts. Using a mix of interactive learning tools and challenging cases, the course will give you an opportunity to develop critical skills for assessing and comparing health systems with respect to organization, performance and financing.

Course content

The course is organized around five parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction to health systems in a global perspective.
  • Part 2: Data analysis for global health systems analysis.
  • Part 3: Health care financing in a global perspective.
  • Part 4: Health care reform in a global perspective.
  • Part 5: Health systems reform for universal health coverage.

In each part, students will be asked to complete specific tasks with a view to developing the necessary conceptual understanding and technical skills to contribute to policy relevant health systems analysis in various contexts.

Course design

The course is offered as an online-only course on a full time basis (during day-time CET). The course consists of lectures, seminars and group exercises. Attendance at the seminars is compulsory.

After the course

The course will provide future health system professionals with the necessary theoretical and practical skills with a focus on health system strengthening and reform. The course targets students interested in working in global organizations such as the UN, the Global Fund and the World Health Organization (WHO), international civil society organizations, national public entities, and the private sector.

Course syllabus in English.




Kandidatexamen (eller motsvarande), samt Engelska 6/B.

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