Inter-religious Relations: Conflict and Community in the Historical Past and the Lived Present
This course will engage with inter-religious relations between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from a range of thematic and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Each session will equip students with an understanding of the historical roots and contemporary impacts of inter-religious relations between the three faiths. Students will learn about the core narratives at the heart of inter-religious discourses and will gain a new understanding of both the challenges facing inter-religious engagement as well as points of co-operation. Themes include gender and sexuality, eschatology and apocalypticism, the intersection of religious and civil law in Western societies, and the challenges of maintaining individual and community identity in a shifting cultural, social, and political landscape.
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Lunds universitet
Lunds universitet har sin naturliga plats bland Europas främsta lärosäten. Som Skandinaviens största enhet för högre utbildning och forskning bedriver universitetet idag verksamhet inom ett brett spektrum av ämnen. På Lunds universitet arbetar cirka 6 800 personer – lärare, forskare, administrativ...