Rättssociologi: Examensarbete för magisterexamen
SOLM12 Rättssociologi: Examensarbete för magisterexamen
A Masters thesis is a scientific research project of limited scale that is intended to exhibit the students capacity to work independently and carry out research. The intension of the thesis is to make a genuine contribution of new knowledge, written in the genre of scientific research. The course involves students independently designing and completing a research project within the discipline of sociology of law. The student is to identify a relevant issue from within the discipline, select methods, collect and process empirical material, select theoretical points of departure, analyze this material and present findings in both written and oral form. The course is offered as a compulsory course within the Master of Science (120 credits) Programme in Sociology of Law - European Law
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Lunds universitet
Lunds universitet har sin naturliga plats bland Europas främsta lärosäten. Som Skandinaviens största enhet för högre utbildning och forskning bedriver universitetet idag verksamhet inom ett brett spektrum av ämnen. På Lunds universitet arbetar cirka 6 800 personer – lärare, forskare, administrativ...