Religious Roots of Europe: Rabbinic Texts and Theology

Lunds universitet
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
10 hp
Startdatum: Höst 2024 - Lund

Religious Roots of Europe: Rabbinic Texts and Theology

The course provides you with basic knowledge of Mishnah Hebrew and an insight into rabbinic thought and culture as they are expressed in rabbinic texts.

The course includes an overview of the emergence of rabbinic Judaism and the most important texts from classical rabbinic literature. The political, cultural and linguistic environments in which rabbinic texts emerged are also discussed as well as their historical origins, contents and characteristics.

A large part of the course is devoted to the reading of a selection of texts in Hebrew with translations into English. Talmud texts are only read in translation. There is a particular focus on rabbinic literature as a
source of knowledge of Jewish culture and Jewish circumstances in Antiquity.


För tillträde till kursen krävs 90 hp inom religionsvetenskap, humaniora, samhällsvetenskap eller juridik varav minst 10 hp hebreiska (biblisk eller modern) eller motsvarande kunskaper.

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