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Samhällsvetenskap: Introduktion till globala studier

15 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
15 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Samhällsvetenskap: Introduktion till globala studier

The aim of the course is to provide students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Global Studies. This involves an understanding of current theories related to processes of globalisation and transformation, as analysed in various disciplinary frameworks. 

A Range of Topics in Global Studies

The students will be introduced to major economic, security, cultural, political and gender-based theories and concepts to enable them to make informed, comparative analyses of how globalization and global relations are related to social change and conflict.

Moreover, the students will learn about the wide array of theoretical and empirical approaches to globalization and related processes. Furthermore, they will learn how to approach globalization from multiple global, national and theoretical contextual perspectives. They will also be encouraged to apply their received knowledge to their distinct fields of study.

The course will enable the students to acquire interdisciplinary skills in the study of globalization which will enable them to apply a variety of perspectives to their distinct field of study. This involves a critically evaluating the insights that gender studies, postcolonialism, security studies, the study of crisis, media studies, global governance and development studies can bring to the study of globalization and global relations. Hence, the course will enable the student to acquire theoretical and methodological skills and to expand their understanding of different expressions of globalization. More specifically, the course will examine the following broad areas:

  • Theories of globalization, global governance and media
  • Globalization, the state, security and sovereignty
  • Gender and globalization
  • Globalization and crisis
  • Globalization, development and education

Further information: master@sam.lu.se


Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Klassrum
  • Lund


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