Socialantropologi: Teori- och metodkurs
Social Anthropology: Theory and Method Course
Course name: SANN03, Social Anthropology: Theory and Method Course (Swedish name: Socialantropologi: Teori- och metodkurs). Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Autumn semester. Language of instruction: English.
To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level.
The aim of the course is to provide you with specialised knowledge of the theories and subject matter of social anthropology through focusing on a specific area and the issues, methods and theories of social anthropology associated with it.
The course consists of a detailed study of a defined area within social anthropology, integrating theoretical and methodological aspects. This involves a further study of the social anthropological theories and methods that are of importance to the chosen subject areas.
The course is a compulsory course within the master´s programme in Social Anthropology SASAN and is also offered as a stand alone course.
How to apply for this course
Application for this course is open from mid March to mid April each year (Swedish national application dates).
Please apply via the Lund University Swedish website If you already are on this page please look for the brown button "anmälan".
Please ask our Study Adviser for assistance:
Course literature, syllabus and more
- Find the course literature and syllabus here on our website, on the page Literature and Syllabi.
Find more information about the Department of Sociology, where you will study this course
- "About us" on the Department of Sociology website
- "For current students" on the Department of Sociology website. A collection of pages for current students at the Department of Sociology.
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