Statsvetenskap: Krig och fred i en föränderlig värld
The overall aim of the course is to provide a theoretical and empirical orientation of different explanations and analyses of contemporary wars and attempts to achieve a more peaceful world. The course highlights theoretically how war as an institution is transformed and what consequences this alteration has on warfare, security and peace support operations in different parts of the world. Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay between normative assumptions about war and peace and how these ideas affect issues, such as legitimacy, justice and security. Moreover, the course addresses peace in practice through empirical analyses about specific peacebuilding models and peacemaking strategies in such regions as Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans. The linkage between civilian and military dimensions, and the variation of strategies among actors (states, intergovernmental, non-governmental) in peace support operations are highlighted. Through case studies, the students will be able to generate knowledge and insights about specific circumstances of war and the possibilities as well as the restraints that exist in peacemaking efforts.
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Lunds universitet
Lunds universitet har sin naturliga plats bland Europas främsta lärosäten. Som Skandinaviens största enhet för högre utbildning och forskning bedriver universitetet idag verksamhet inom ett brett spektrum av ämnen. På Lunds universitet arbetar cirka 6 800 personer – lärare, forskare, administrativ...