Tillämpad kulturkriminologi - Analys, organisering och strategier

Lunds universitet
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
15 hp
Startdatum: Vår 2025 - Lund
Sista ansökan: 2024-10-15

Tillämpad kulturkriminologi - Analys, organisering och strategier

Applied Cultural Criminology - Analysis, Organisation and Strategies. The aim of the course is to deepen the issues and approaches in cultural criminology through applied analysis.

Course name: CCRN10, Applied Cultural Criminology - Analysis, Organisation and Strategies (Swedish name: Tillämpad kulturkriminologi - Analys, organisering och strategier). Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English.

To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. To be admitted to this course, you must have passed the course CCRN01 (Theories, Perspectives and Concepts of Cultural Criminology, 15 credits).

In order to highlight the importance of a cultural criminology approach the course deals with current and relevant issues regarding:

  • crime development,
  • social control,
  • norms,
  • legislation and bodies of law

on a national and transnational level.

The course aims to provide you with tools for critically reviewing, analysing and evaluating the interaction between theory and practice through an application of issues in cultural criminology and thereby preparing you for future working life and research. 

The course also aims to develop the your ability to communicate a completed analysis or parts of an analysis in various written and oral forms to different stakeholders/audiences.

The course is a compulsory component of the Master of Science (120 credits) programme in Cultural Criminology, and is offered as a Stand alone course.

How to apply for this course

Application for this course is open from mid September to mid October each year (Swedish national application dates).

Please apply via the Lund University Swedish website lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-CCRN10. If you already are on this page please look for the brown button "anmälan".

Please ask our Study Adviser for assistance: studievagledare@soc.lu.se

Course literature, syllabus and more

  • Find the course literature and syllabus here on our website, on the page Literature and Syllabi.

Find more information about the Department of Sociology, where you will study this course

  • "About us" on the Department of Sociology website
  • "For current students" on the Department of Sociology website. A collection of pages for current students at the Department of Sociology.


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