Introduction to Orthodox Theology

Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm
Program (grundnivå)
30 hp
Startdatum: Höst 2024 - Södertälje
Sista ansökan: 2024-08-30

Introduction to Orthodox Theology

In the Introduction to Orthodox Theology program, participants join with students on the four-year Pastoral-Pedagogical Program course for their first year of studies. This is composed of university studies (30 ECTS) and folkhögskola studies (Christian/pastoral formation). In this way participants who are not yet ready or able to commit to a full bachelors program are able to explore the study of theology both as an academic discipline and as a way of life. Because the studies in the program are the same as those taken by students on the four-year program, if, at the end of the year, participants wish to join the Pastoral-Pedagogical Program they are able to do so seamlessly.Alternatively, many programs within the humanities allow for a transfer of elective credits, which means that students in certain cases can incorporate the credits acquired in this program as elective courses elsewhere.On its own, as a one-year introduction to the study of the Eastern Christian tradition and Orthodox life and tradition, the program will deepen the participants knowledge and understanding and equip them to play a larger role in church life.


General requirements for university studies

Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm

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