Immunologi och sjukdomspatogenes

Göteborgs universitet
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
15 hp
Startdatum: Vår 2025 - Göteborg
Sista ansökan: 2024-10-15

Immunologi och sjukdomspatogenes

This is an advanced course in Immunology aimed at students intending to complete a Masters Degree. Modern Immunology is a challenging subject requiring a detailed understanding of the biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology underlying regulated responses to pathogenic challenge. This course is designed to give the student an integrated view of the following important aspects of the immune system: the evolution of immune recognition systems; antigen handling and the induction and regulation of immune response mechanisms; immunological memory; the immunopathology of infectious, autoimmune, neoplastic and inflammatory disease; the principles of vaccine development; ontogeny of the fetal and neonatal immune systems; and related advanced methodology. The course will be taught by a combination of conventional lectures, Problem-Based Learning, themed discussions, and hypothesis-driven mini laboratory projects.


Godkänd BIO900, Cellbiologi, 15 hp, BIO905, Molekylär genetik, 15 hp, BIO910, Organismvärldens form och funktion, 15 hp, BIO915, Ekologi och evolution, 15 hp samt BIO920, Biodiversitet och systematik, 15 hp. Dessutom krävs godkänd Kemi, 30 hp, samt godkänt på fördjupningskursen på grundnivå i Immunologi, 15hp, eller motsvarande. Därutöver krävs språkkunskaper motsvarande Engelska 6/Engelska B.

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