Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Constructing the Enemy

Lunds universitet
Fristående kurser (grundnivå)
7.5 hp
Startdatum: Vår 2025 - Lund
Sista ansökan: 2024-10-15

Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Constructing the Enemy

Based in a Religious Studies perspective, this course discusses the concepts of anti-semitism and islamophobia. These concepts refer to fears and prejudices regarding Jews, Judaism, Muslims and Islam. By focusing on the historical, theological, ideological, political and cultural aspects of anti-semitism and islamophobia, we will explore both the historical roots and the contemporary forms of these fears and prejudices.

The course starts by problematising the concepts anti-semitism and islamophobia and continues by analysing how these concepts have been used in order to designate "the enemy" and in processes of religious, cultural and political "alienation". Thereafter, the historical roots and ideological contexts in which anti-semitism and the islamophobia arise and develop are studied. The course concludes by focusing on modern and contemporary manifestations of anti-semitism and islamophobia, such as, for example, how conspiracy theories are used in order to heighten hostility towards Jews and Muslims today.

The planned trip to Israel and Palestine has been cancelled due to the ongoing conflict in the region. We will explore the complexity of antisemitism and islamophobia as concepts and phenomena through lectures and seminars on Lund Universitys campus.


Grundläggande behörighet, samt minst 60 högskolepoäng.

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