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Program (avancerad nivå)

Masterprogram i design för kreativ och immersiv teknik

Stockholms universitet, i Stockholm
120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Masterprogram i design för kreativ och immersiv teknik

Life has changed profoundly with the arrival of the digital age, but we are still only in the infancy of the development. Innovative technology and the ways we interact with it has facilitated social connections and sped up communication infrastructure, but also disrupted older media and foundational societal structures. While society is still struggling to grasp the effects of social media and smartphones, further developments are rapidly underway in creative and immersive technologies such as the Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to name only a few.
In a chaotic and rapidly changing technological landscape, there is an urgent need for people who understand all three core aspects of design: technology itself, the individual user and societal implications of introducing new technology. This program will train you to create new technology, while heeding user needs and wants as well as larger societal transformations.
CareerYou will qualify positions such as immersive technology specialist, interaction designer, change agent, project manager, innovator and entrepreneur in novel technology. Graduates may also enter Ph.D. programmes to pursue a career in academic or industrial research.
Programme outlineThe programme is directed towards students with previous degrees with a technical background in computer and systems sciences.
The first year will reconcile the students backgrounds in technology and social sciences and introduce students to academic research on an advanced level.
The second year will concern technological innovations and society. Students will be provided ample opportunities to pursue their own interests in creative and immersive technology in student-driven projects connected to current research projects at our department.
Required supporting documentationAlong with your supporting documents at univeristyadmissions.se, you are required to submit a separate form with a list of proof of specific entry requirements. Read more information and download the form here

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Klassrum
  • Stockholm


Examen om minst 180 hp inklusive ett självständigt arbete om minst 15 hp samt Engelska 6, eller motsvarande.
Samt minst 90 hp inom data- och systemvetenskap, informatik eller motsvarande.

Examen & Intyg

Stockholms universitet

Stockholms universitet

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