Introduktion till människocentrerad AI

Högskolan i Halmstad
Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)
5 hp
Startdatum: Vår 2025 - Distans
Sista ansökan: 2024-10-15

Introduktion till människocentrerad AI

Kursens mål är att studenten utvecklar kunskap om de två områdena människocentrerad design och artificiell intelligens (Al) till en mångvetenskaplig målgrupp. Kursen ingår i programmet MAISTR ( där du som deltagare kan läsa hela programmet eller enstaka kurser. Kursen är för yrkesverksamma och ges på distans på engelska. Anmälan är öppen så länge det finns möjlighet att bli antagen.
**About the course Introduction to Human-centered Design for AI, 5 credits**
*Who is this course for?*Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of our times most impactful technologies, with far-reaching effects on individuals, organizations, society, and the planet. However, in order to create positive societal change using AI technology it is not enough to focus on the technical aspects of data and algorithms. A human-centered design perspective is needed to fully understand and design for human experience, business impact, and ethical perspective. This course introduces a human-centered design perspective where different AI technologies is viewed as a design material that affect user experience and business. You are most likely a designer, innovator, or product manager that work with digital services and products.
*What will you learn from this course?*Even if you are a seasoned designer or senior product and service developer, you will learn how human-centered design principles play out when using AI-powered technology to create adaptive, autonomous, and agentive services. You will also learn to critically analyze how a human-centered design process can be affected by AI technologies. The course material contains the latest academic research and practical experiences from AI, human-computer interaction, and service innovation.
The aim for this fundamentals course is to introduce the diverse elds of human-centered design and artificial intelligence (AI) to a multidisciplinary target group. The course consists of three parts:
1\. Human-centered design (2 credits)In the first part we introduce the fundamentals of human-centered design and human-computer interaction, such as information architecture, interaction design, usability, user experience, and Design Thinking. It provides a brief historical context to explain previous shifts in the field, and why AI can be approached as a new design material.
2\. AI as a design material (2 credits)The second part provides the fundamentals of AI as it relates to human-centered design. It introduces how different types of AI technologies such as Machine Learning work, and how it can affect end-user experience.
3\. Conclusion: opportunities for human-centered design and AI (1 credits)The final part of the course covers the various challenges and opportunities of design for, and with, AI. This part also relates these challenges and opportunities to new fields of study, such as designing for human augmentation, robotics, ethics of AI, service design and innovation, evaluation, and specific fields of application and implementation.


Kandidatexamen eller Högskoleingenjörsexamen. Engelska 6. Undantag ges för kravet på svenska.

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