Macroeconomics and Sustainability with Marketing Perspectives
The course is a joint course between Economics and Marketing. Also the course consist of two parts. The first part is concentrated on Sustainability from both an Economic and a Marketing perspective. It is about defining Sustainability and understanding basic concepts about Sustainability from the perspective of both subjects. This first part is about one third of the course. The second part is purely about Economics and specifically about macroeconomics. It is about defining and understanding basic concepts as for instance gross domestic product, inflation/deflation and unemployment. Also the course covers basic understanding about different types of economic policies such as fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies.
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Linnéuniversitetet är ett modernt, internationellt universitet där allt är möjligt. Linnéuniversitetet finns i Kalmar och Växjö. Universitetet erbjuder över 150 utbildningsprogram och 1 300 fristående kurser inom en rad olika områden. Utbildningar ges både på campus och på distans. Att studera...