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Grundnivå (Högskole- och Kandidatexamen)

Kandidatkurs och examensarbete i Management and Organization (kurspaket)

30 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
30 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Kandidatkurs och examensarbete i Management and Organization (kurspaket)

Kurspaketet består av följande tre kurser;

FEKH45 - Managing and Developing Organizations

This course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in todays organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels.

Central concepts and traditions in organization studies are emphasized on the course, which aims to equip students with skills for applying organizational research to practice. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding organizations from different theoretical perspectives and the implications of these for managing organizations. Throughout the course, theoretical concepts and models are connected to up-to-date organizational cases around managing people, systems, and change.

The course builds on the idea that students are the main drivers of their own learning, and all activities are designed to enable students active participation.

The course is given in English.

FEKH46 - Leadership and Change Management

This course aims to train, develop and mentally prepare the students to take active participation as leaders as well as co-workers in various organizations. This will entail the idea that organizations can be managed and studied through different perspectives which offer possibilities for reflection and different understandings of organizational phenomena.

Above all, the course seeks to develop analytical skills required to manage and lead in complex situations, as well as to develop methodological proficiencies. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding organizations from different theoretical perspectives and the implications of these for managing organizations.

The course is built around two main components;

The first part is theoretical, where students gain knowledge of different theoretical perspectives in leading organisations and the management of change in a series of seminars.  All seminars are built upon active participation from the students.

The second component is practical and analytical, where students work with a live case. Here students meet managers and interview them about their work and the challenges they encounter. The aim is to provide practical insights into managerial work as well as to train methodological and analytical skills.

The course builds on the idea that students are the main drivers of their own learning and are ultimately responsible for it. The keywords of the course are participation, influence, responsibility and commitment.

This course is for those of you who aim to work with people in organisations in various forms. It could be that you want to pursue a career as project leader or manager, that you aim to become a management consultant, or are interested in working in an HR-department, with sales or in any similar occupation where profound insights into organisations and management are crucial.

The course is given in English.

Listen to Mats Alvesson, researcher in the field of organization (in Swedish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41bOKzltrkc

FEKH49 Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå 15 hp

Det består av en uppsats om 15 hp och inkluderar metodutbildning som skall vara ett stöd för arbetet. Målet med kursen är att utveckla studenternas kunskap om hur man på ett självständigt sätt och på vetenskaplig grund genomför en studie av ett avgränsat företagsekonomiskt problem. Kursen syftar även till att träna studenterna i att kommunicera sina resultat, först och främst skriftligt men även muntligt. Examensarbetet sker i grupp. 

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Klassrum
  • Lund


Grundläggande behörighet, företagsekonomi 1-60 hp vilket innebär en avslutad och godkänd grundkurs i företagsekonomi 1- 30 hp, FEKA90 eller motsvarande samt fortsättningskurs i företagsekonomi 31-60 hp (kurspaket) eller motsvarande.
Lunds universitet

Lunds universitet

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