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Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)

Sound Studies in Theory and Practice

15 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
15 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Sound Studies in Theory and Practice

Have you ever wondered about the sounds that surround you in your everyday life? Are you interested in what makes a sound design functional? Do you ever think of how noise and silence affects us? Do you appreciate a smooth and well composed podcast? Are you curious of museums use of sound in exhibitions and audio guides? And, are you interested in working with sound through practical exercises?

From a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches the course "sound studies" invites you to learn about the field of sound from a trans-disciplinary approach drawing on psychoacoustics, medicine, acoustics, anthropology, aesthetics, design, sound art and cultural theory. Topic wise you will, a.o., learn about the notion of soundscape; audio walks and audio guides; everyday noise and health problems; sound design and functional sounds; sound in galleries and museums; sound politics and territoriality.
Sound studies also invites you to do practical explorations of the field as you will get the opportunity of doing experiments with e.g. sound in public domains; produce audio guides or reportages; conduct an empirical study of functional sounds; analyze existing and construct new soundscapes; or do aesthetic explorations of artistic sound installations.


Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Klassrum
  • Lund


För tillträde till kursen krävs 90 högskolepoäng från grundnivå, varav 15 högskolepoäng skall bestå av en kandidatuppsats.
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