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Fristående kurser (avancerad nivå)

Industrins digitalisering - Introduktion till artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning

Högskolan Väst, Distans
2.5 hp
Nästa startdatum
Vår 2025 se detaljer
2.5 hp
Nästa startdatum
Vår 2025 se detaljer

Industrins digitalisering - Introduktion till artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are powerful tools used in a wide variety of areas such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, industry, entertainment and many others to automate numerous tasks. For example, in healthcare an ML algorithm can be used to predict a diagnosis based on the patients data. An autonomous vehicle can employ an AI algorithm to decide whether to apply emergency breaking. Fraud and money laundering can also be successfully identified by AI and ML technology when used by a financial institution. Successful deployment of this technology requires understanding of application areas of different AI and ML algorithms and their performance characteristics.This course introduces the most common concepts ML and AI. Attention is given to proper applicability of different algorithms to diverse types of data. Importance of the quality of the data is emphasized as one of the keys to successful data analysis. The examination of the course is based on field study where the students apply the knowledge in their own area of expertise.The target group for the course is senior and medium level management as well as engineering and technical personnel unfamiliar with AI and ML technology.This course will be delivered on distance. The outline of the course is one online introduction session, pre-recorded lectures, online exercises and examination.LÄS MER OM KURSERBJUDANDETOBS lämplig förkunskap för denna kurs är grundkurs i programmering med Python, PIA600, Programmering för industriella applikationer 3hp.Industry and academyThis course has been developed in collaboration with industry partners within the framework of one of our educational projects. The project aims to provide courses at the advanced level to a mix of professionals and students to strengthen the Swedish industry's competitiveness.We apply validation of work experience to see if you have knowledge that corresponds to the eligibility requirements for the course. Do not forget to attach a description if you are applying based on work experience, a form is available on our website www.hv.se/produktionskurser.

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Vår 2025

  • Distans
  • Distans


Godkända kurser om 90 hp inom ämnesområdet teknik varav minst 15 hp på nivå 61-90 hp eller motsvarande.
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