Magister i elektriska fordon för maskiningenjörer (campus)
## **Qualifications**60 HE Master in Electrical Vehicle Engineering(1 year) offers in-depth knowledge of electric circuits, motor-topologies, electric drivelines, and measurement technology with the goal of preparing you for a career as a specialist in electric vehicles in the industry.## **Future careers**After graduation, you have in-depth knowledge of electrical circuits, machine topologies, electric drivelines, and measurement technology and will be well prepared for a career as a specialist in electric vehicles in the industry.
You will be highly appreciated in the job market as companies look for engineers with international expertise to improve the efficiency of global operations - something that is part of this program. In your future professional role, you can, for example, work as an electrical machine designer or test technician for hybrid components. In addition, there are multinational Swedish-Chinese companies such as NEVS, Volvo Cars, VOLVO AB, and CEVT near University West. These are examples of companies looking for specialized mechanical engineers with the international competencies you gain in this program.## **Work-Integrated Learning - WIL**We are Swedens leading university when it comes to WIL (work-integrated learning). At University West, you can work toward an academic degree and get work experience at the same time. You will attend lectures, carry out practical tasks, do lab work and projects. The coursework is mostly in the form of problem-based learning, often in conjunction with industry or case studies from industry.## **International admissions**The program has international admissions, which means that students from all over the world can apply. All instruction is in English and you study together with both Swedish and foreign students. This gives you both linguistic and cultural experience.
You will be highly appreciated in the job market as companies look for engineers with international expertise to improve the efficiency of global operations - something that is part of this program. In your future professional role, you can, for example, work as an electrical machine designer or test technician for hybrid components. In addition, there are multinational Swedish-Chinese companies such as NEVS, Volvo Cars, VOLVO AB, and CEVT near University West. These are examples of companies looking for specialized mechanical engineers with the international competencies you gain in this program.## **Work-Integrated Learning - WIL**We are Swedens leading university when it comes to WIL (work-integrated learning). At University West, you can work toward an academic degree and get work experience at the same time. You will attend lectures, carry out practical tasks, do lab work and projects. The coursework is mostly in the form of problem-based learning, often in conjunction with industry or case studies from industry.## **International admissions**The program has international admissions, which means that students from all over the world can apply. All instruction is in English and you study together with both Swedish and foreign students. This gives you both linguistic and cultural experience.
Kommande starter
1 tillgängligt startdatum
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Högskolan Väst
Högskolan Väst i Trollhättan är en modern högskola som erbjuder arbetslivsnära utbildningar i en attraktiv och modern studiemiljö. Hos oss står studenten och lärandet i centrum. Arbetsintegrerat lärande som synsätt och metod präglar verksamheten och är högskolans profil. Trollhättan är...