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Masterprogram, kärnenergiteknik (Endast sökbart för KTH:s civilingenjörsstudenter, åk 3)

120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Masterprogram, kärnenergiteknik (Endast sökbart för KTH:s civilingenjörsstudenter, åk 3)

The Masters programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering offers students an extensive and detailed education in the key areas pertaining to nuclear technology. After graduation, students will be well-prepared for future positions within the advanced nuclear technology field, or in a nuclear science and technology research environment.The Masters programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering at KTH is also a part of the European Master in Innovative Nuclear Energy EMINE. The first year of study at KTH can be combined with a second year of study at the top French universities either in Paris (ParisTech a cluster of universities in Paris) or in Grenoble (Grenoble Institute of Technology INP) resulting in a double diploma degree.Programme outlineCompulsory courses will provide all students in the programme with a strong foundation in the reactor physics and technology field. Research-oriented students will have several possibilities to choose courses in preparation for work in reactor physics research or in a nuclear engineering research environment. At the same time, students interested in more industry-related nuclear engineering can choose courses preparing them for a position in the industry, with an optional management-oriented specialisation.Degree projectStudents will complete the two-year Masters programme with a degree project. The project and its resultant thesis may be performed at the Albanova University Centre (KTH), or at an external research facility, in a company in Sweden or in another country. With the growing need for competent employees in the nuclear industry, there are many opportunities to perform this project at a company in the industry. KTHs nuclear departments have already established an excellent tradition of conducting several degree projects per year at top Swedish nuclear power companies (e.g. Vattenfall, Westinghouse, Forsmark).There are also close contacts with other universities and research centres in Europe, USA and Asia, with opportunities for students to work abroad.Career prospectsWith advances in science and technology, nuclear energy is increasingly regarded as an eminent part of the global energy-environment equation needed to satisfy growing demands for energy in a rapidly developing world. Undoubtedly nuclear energy, as well as other non-energy applications of nuclear science and technology, will continue and further increase its important role in serving society.The truly international environment of this Masters programme gives graduating students a body of knowledge and skills which will forever be precious commodities in the globalised world. Graduating students will be eagerly recruited by industry, authorities and research establishments in Sweden, Europe and worldwide.

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Klassrum
  • Stockholm

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